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Basic Slayer Guide

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Basic Slayer Guide Empty Basic Slayer Guide

Post  Moray007 Sat May 15, 2010 9:36 am

Introduction 1.0
Enchanted gem 1.1
Slayer masters 1.2
Slayer assignments/tasks 1.3
to be finished

Slayer is a members only skill. The key to slayer is learning the enemy's weakness and killing it accordingly. In slayer, you get an assignment from a slayer master to kill a specific number of a certain type of monster. These assignments can vary from 10 spiders to 199 black demons and depends a lot on which slayer master you choose. To get started on the skill, go to a slayer master and ask for an assignment. He/she will tell you what monster to kill. The slayer experience for each kill roughly equals 1/10 of the monster's life points. If you kill it with two people, the one that does the most damage will get half the exp and the one that inflicts the final blow the other half. If you do both, or attack it on your own, you get the full exp. Also, there are various monsters that can only be assigned and killed at certain slayer levels.

Enchanted gem
When you first start slayer you will get an enchanted gem. You can buy a new one for 1 gp at any slayer master. Click on the enchanted gem to communicate with a slayer master. You will talk to the master who last assigned you a task. You can ask for info on his/her location but most importantly, you can find out how many monsters are left to kill to complete your assignment by right clicking it and selecting "Kills-left". This is very useful during a mission, so try to take it with you. The slayer master can also give you a tip about the monster you are assigned to kill.

Slayer masters
The Burthorpe slayer master is the easiest and the Ancient Cavern slayer master the hardest. Higher masters give more and harder monsters. Each slayer master has his/her own selection of monsters to give as assignment. The slayer masters can assign you either normal monsters to kill or special slayer creatures as explained later in this guide. They will not assign the same monster for your next task. Note: You can quickly request an assignment by right clicking a slayer master and selecting "Get task".
If you get an assignment you don't like, you can go to the master in Burthorpe to get an easier one. You can't change an assignment you get from the Burthorpe master though (or more specifically, you cannot ask for another task when you have been given a task the Burthorpe slayer master himself would give anyway [see list]), so you can't keep changing until you get one you like.

Name: Turael
Levels: 3 Combat
Location: Burthorpe
Basic Slayer Guide Slayer_master_burthorpe

Name: Mazchna
Level: 20 Combat
Location: Canifis
Basic Slayer Guide Slayer_master_moritaynia

Name: Vannaka
Level: 40 Combat
Location: Edgeville dungeon
Basic Slayer Guide Slayer_master_edgeville

Name: Chaeldar
Level: 75 Combat
Location: Lost City of Zanaris
Basic Slayer Guide Slayerzanaris

Name: Sumona
Level: Combat 85, Slayer 35, completion of Smoking Kills quest
Location: Pollnivneach
Basic Slayer Guide Sumona_location

Name: Duradel
Level: Combat 100, Slayer 50, completion of Shilo Village
Location:Shilo Village
Basic Slayer Guide Slayer_master_shilo

Name: Kuradal
Level: Combat 110, Slayer 75. Completion of Barbarian training
Location: Ancient Cavern
Basic Slayer Guide Kuradallocation

Slayer assignments
Each slayer master can assign you a certain number of monsters. The monsters each slayer master can assign are listed below.

Burthorpe (Turael) Assignments
[*]Cave Bugs
[*]Cave Slimes
[*]Crawling Hands
[*]Desert Lizards

Canifis (Mazchna) Assignments
Cave Crawlers
Cave Slimes
Crawling Hands
Desert Lizards
Flesh Crawlers
Hill Giants
Ice Warriors
Rock Slugs
Wall Beasts

Edgeville Dungeon (Vannaka) Assignments
Aberrant Spectres
Brine Rats
Dust Devils
Earth Warriors
Green Dragons
Harpie Bug Swarms
Hill Giants
Ice Giants
Ice Warriors
Infernal Mages
Jungle Horrors
Lesser Demons
Moss Giants
Other Worldly Beings
Sea Snakes
Shadow Warriors
Terror dogs

Lost City (Chaeldar) Assignments
Aberrant Spectres
Blue Dragons
Brine Rats
Bronze Dragons
Cave Crawlers
Cave Horrors
Crawling Hands
Dust Devils
Fever Spiders
Fire Giants
Harpie Bug Swarms
Infernal Mages
Jungle Horrors
Jungle Strykewyrms
Lesser Demons
Mutated Zygomites
Shadow Warriors
Warped Tortoises

Pollnivneach (Sumona) Assignments
Aberrant Spectres
Abyssal Demons
Black Demons
Blue Dragons
Cave Crawlers
Cave Horrors
Desert Strykewyrms
Dust Devils
Fire Giants
Greater Demons
Iron Dragons
Jungle Strykewyrms
Red Dragons
Scabarite minions
Spiritual Mages
Spiritual Warriors
Terror Dogs
Warped Tortoises

Shilo Village (Duradel) Assignments
Aberrant Spectres
Abyssal Demons
Black Demons
Black Dragons
Dark Beasts
Desert Strykewyrms
Dust Devils
Fire giants
Greater Demons
Iron Dragons
Ice Strykewyrms
Jungle Strykewyrms
Mithril Dragons
Scabarite minions
Skeletal wyverns
Spiritual Mages
Steel Dragons
Warped Terrorbirds

Ancient Cavern (Kuradal) Assignments

Aberrant Spectres
Abyssal Demons
Black Demons
Black Dragons
Blue dragons
Dark Beasts
Desert Strykewyrms
Dust Devils
Fire giants
Greater Demons
Ice Strykewyrms
Iron Dragons
Jungle Strykewyrms
Living Rock creatures
Mithril Dragons
Skeletal wyverns
Spiritual Mages
Steel Dragons
Terror dogs
Warped Tortoises

When Kuradal assigns TzHaar, she offers you a choice. You can agree to slay 280 'volcanic creatures' in the Fight Caves.' Additionally, she promises a large reward bonus (25K slayer xp) if you slay TzTok-Jad. Even if you do not manage to kill Jad, you can kill 280 Fight Cave creatures and receive the regular slaying experience for them. Remember, you can just decline the task upgrade, and accept the smaller assignment of regular TzHaar.
***The ability to be assigned Aquanites as a slayer task from Kuradal can be purchased from any Slayer Master for 50 slayer points. Unless this is done, she will not assign them.

Special slayer monster drops
Some slayer monsters drop unique items that can only be obtained using slayer. These items are listed below.
Special drops
Some slayer monsters drop unique items that can only be obtained using slayer. These items are listed below.

Bronze boots
Cave crawler
Iron boots
Cockatrice, Cave Slime
Steel boots
Pyrefiend, Harpie Bug Swarms
Black boots
Mithril boots
Adamant boots
Gargoyle, Mutated Bloodveld
Rune boots
Dragon boots
Spiritual Mage -Armadyl-, Spiritual Mage -Bandos-,
Spiritual Mage -Saradomin-, Spiritual Mage -Zamorak-,
Mystic gloves - dark, light
Banshee, Rockslug, Desert Lizard
Mystic boots - dark, light
Infernal Mage, Cockatrice, Desert Lizard
Mystic hat - dark, light
Infernal Mage, Basilisk, Wall Beast
Mystic robe bottom - dark, light A
berrant Spectre, Turoth
Mystic robe top - dark, light
Gargoyle, Kurask
Dark Bow
Dark Beasts
Black Mask
Cave Horror
Granite maul
Granite helm
Terror Dog
Granite legs
Skeletal Wyvern
Brine Sabre
Brine Rat
Abyssal whip
Abyssal Demon
Leaf-bladed Sword
Kurask, Turoth
Amulet of Ranging
Ferocious ring
All monsters in Kuradal's Dungeon
Jungle Strykewyrm
Focus sight
Desert Strykewyrm
Staff of light
Ice Strykewyrm

Slayer Aids and Boosts

Wild Pie
Requires 85 cooking to make from raw chompy, raw bear meat and raw rabbit meat in a pie shell.
Temporarily increases slayer skill by 5 levels. Also heals a total of 220 life points (2 bites, each healing 110 life points).

Mature Slayer's Respite
Requires 59 cooking to brew from 4 wildblood hops.
Temporarily increases slayer skill by 2 levels. Also heals 10 life points and lowers attack and strength by 4.

Slayer's Respite
Requires 59 cooking to brew from 4 wildblood hops.
Temporarily increases slayer skill by 1 level and lowers attack and strength by 2 or 3 (depending on level).

Black Mask
Dropped by Cave horrors in the Mos Le'Harmless Dungeon. Slayer level of 58, a witchwood icon and a light source are required. The Black mask gives a permanent boost of 15% strength and attack during slayer tasks.
It offers additional benefits from the random firing of its initial 10 charges. This effect stacks with that of Dragon Slayer gloves.

Dropped by Jungle strykewyrms northwest of Ooglog. Slayer level of 73 required, and a player must have Jungle strykewyrms as a slayer task.
The Hexcrest gives a continuing magic skill boost during slayer tasks.

Focus sight
Dropped by Desert strykewyrms west of Al Kharid. Slayer level of 77 required, and a player must have Desert strykewyrms as a slayer task.
The Focus sight gives a continuing ranged skill boost during slayer tasks.

Dragon Slayer Gloves
Reward from the Fist of Guthix Activity
Wear these on any dragon slayer task to gain a 10% attack boost as well as 15% more slayer xp per kill. They will disintegrate after 1,000 dragons. Slayer level 70 is required. This effect stacks with that of the Black Mask (as well as the Slayer Helm).

Enchanted Gem
Buy from any Slayer Master for 1 gp.
Great to bring on assignments. Ask your slayer master (the one who last assigned you a task) how many monsters you have left on your task, ask where your slayer master is located, or ask for a tip about the monster you are killing.

NPC Contact Spell
Must be on the Lunar Magick spellbook. Requires level 67 magic, and takes 1 astral, 1 cosmic and 2 air runes per cast.
Allows contact with certain NPCs from anywhere, including all 6 slayer masters. You can ask for an assignment (assuming you have the required combat level for that slayer master).

Combat Bracelet
Enchanted from a dragonstone bracelet.
Informs you every 10 kills on a slayer assignment when worn.

Super Fishing Explosive
Player made from Guam and Rubium after the Kennith's Concerns quest.
Lures Mogres like regular fishing explosive, but also does 150 damage to them.

Karamja Gloves 3
Reward from the Karamja Achievement Diary
Allows you to teleport to the Shilo Village Gem mine, close to the Shilo Village Slayer Master.

Leaf-bladed sword
Dropped by Turoths and Kurasks or bought from other players
Kill Turoths and Kurasks one-handed, allowing use of a shield. 55 Slayer and 50 Attack required.

Ring of Slaying
The ability to craft one with level 75 crafting can be bought for 300 slayer points, or an individual ring can be bought for 75 points after completion of the Smoking Kills quest.
Teleports to the Slayer Tower in Morytania, Slayer Dungeon in Rellekka, Pollnivneach, and The Lair of Tarn Razorlor (after completing the Haunted Mine quest.) The ring has 8 charges; after all are consumed the ring will shatter but the gem will remain.

Slayer Helmet
The ability to make one can be bought for 400 slayer points after completion of the Smoking Kills quest.
Combines spiny helmet, earmuffs, face mask, black mask and nosepeg.

Full Slayer Helmet
The ability to make one can be bought for 400 slayer points after completion of the Smoking Kills quest.
Combines spiny helmet, earmuffs, face mask, black mask, hexcrest, focus sight, and nosepeg.

Masked Earmuffs
Combine facemask and earmuffs after starting the Smoking Kills quest. (35 Slayer required)
Protects against Banshees and Dust Devils.

Ferocious ring
Dropped by monsters in Kuradal's Dungeon.
Deals more damage to monsters inside the dungeon and provides five teleports ther

Wild Jade Vine
After completing the Back to my Roots quest, players can grow a jade vine in Handelmort Mansion gardens (explained in the Jade Vine Activity box). After checking its health at maturity, it is optional to leave it alone until it grows into a Wild Vine, and then kill it for an extra 2500 slayer experience. Note however that the vine takes a while (a day) to grow into the wild version, and you must be wielding a hatchet and have a pair of secateurs in your inventory while fighting it. Note that it can also poison you. Also, because you cannot be assigned to kill the jade vine, the slayer mask will NOT work on it. After you kill the vine, you will be given the opportunity to plant another one. If the seed does not appear in your inventory, just speak to Horacio.

Hunt for Surok
The Hunt for Surok is a mini quest that one can do after completing the What Lies Below quest. The mini quest involves chasing Surok Magis around the Chaos Tunnels in order to catch him. At the end of the chase, you will confront Bork, a level 267 Ogre. During the fight, Bork will attack you with melee, while Surok attacks you with Magic. Surok cannot be harmed, so just focus on Bork. When Bork has been damaged enough, he will call his brothers to help him. The four Ork Legions that are summoned will attack with melee, unless they cannot reach you, which in that case they will switch to Ranged attacks. After killing Bork, you will be rewarded with 5000 Slayer experience. Bork will also drop 5 Blue, 7 Crimson, and 2 Green Charms, as well as an uncut Sapphire, Emerald, and Ruby.
After completing the mini quest, you may return to the portal where you fought Bork to face him everyday. Note that you will only get 250 Slayer experience for killing Bork now, although all his drops remain the same. There is a 24 hour waiting period before you can kill Bork again, which applies if you teleport early or die as well.

Phoenix Lair
After completing the In Pyre Need quest, players can navigate the Phoenix's cave once each day for additional rewards (explained in the Phoenix Lair daily combat guide box). The player must head through each section of the cave gathering new cuttings from the trees, but after the quest, the Reborn monsters in the five rooms of the multi-combat caves are hostile. The Reborn monsters can block players and are very dangerous. You must carry secateurs, knife, tinderbox or other method of making fire, and have five empty inventory slots. After collecting the twigs, making the ribbons, fashioning the basket pyre and lighting it, the Phoenix will appear and attack! You can attempt to kill it once a day for 5 Phoenix feathers, 7500 Firemaking, 3000 Fletching, 1000 Crafting, and 500 Slayer experience, but the first time you defeat the Phoenix you will earn 5000 instead of 500 Slayer xp. Also, because you cannot be assigned to kill the phoenix, the slayer mask will NOT work on it.

Smoking Kills
After completing the Smoking Kills quest, Sumona, a new slayer master, becomes available. To get assignments from her you need a slayer level of 35 and a combat level of 85. She assigns tasks at a difficulty level in between Chaeldar and Duradel.
More importantly, completing the Smoking Kills quest allows you access to a number of slayer rewards, which can be purchased by acquiring points from slayer tasks. All of the Slayer Masters participate in the points and rewards system.
To get points you must complete an entire slayer assignment. After you have done 5 tasks, slayer masters will start to give you points for every task you fully complete after that.
Mazchna - 1 points
Vannaka - 4 points
Chaeldar - 10 points
Sumona - 12 points
Duradel - 15 points
Kuradal - 18 points
If you Burthorpe any task, you will have to complete another 5 tasks again to start gaining points. You also gain additional points at every 10th and 50th task completed in a row, receiving 5x and 15x points, respectively. It is recommended to get a task from the highest slayer master you can use for the 10th and 50th task, to maximise your points.

Basic Slayer Guide Slayer_rewards_tab1
Basic Slayer Guide Slayer_rewards_tab2
Basic Slayer Guide Slayer_rewards_tab3

Items and XP

Buy Slayer XP - spend 400 points to get 10k slayer experience.
The ring of slaying can be used to teleport to major slaying spots: Slayer Tower, Slayer Cave, Pollnivneach, Lair of Tarn Razorlor, as well as check your progress.
Buy runes for Slayer Dart - spend 35 points to get enough runes for 250 casts.
Broad bolts and arrows can be used on Turoths and Kurasks.


Spend 300 points to learn how to fletch broad arrows/bolts - add broad arrow heads to flighted arrows, or add feathers to broad bolt tips that you receive as drops or purchase.
Spend 300 points to learn how to craft a ring of slaying using a gold bar and a slayer gem. The ring of slaying is a handy teleport and progress tracker. The gem is returned when the eight charges are used up. 15 Crafting xp is earned from making these.
Spend 400 points to learn how to assemble a slayer helmet. The slayer helmet combines a nosepeg, earmuffs, facemask, spiky helmet and black mask; making for the ultimate slaying helmet!
For a mere 50 points you can persuade Kuradal to assign Aquanites as slayer task.
Spend 400 points to learn how to deliver killing blows to Rockslugs, Gargoyles, Zygomites and Desert Lizards quicker.
Spend 2000 points to learn a new technique to attack Ice Strykewyrms.


You can spend points to cancel or block tasks. These options are only available when you actually have an assigned task.
Cancel - you can spend your points to skip a slayer assignment just this time, without taking a penalty to your consecutive slayer task count.
Never again - this choice will both cancel the task (without penalty) and prevent you from getting the same creature assigned again. You can choose to have up to 4 slayer tasks that you cannot get assigned. If you have 250 Quest Points you can block 5 tasks from being assigned to you. These can be removed at any point, however the points used will not be refunded.

Slayer Challenges
Players who use the same Slayer Master multiple times in a row have a chance to be given a special "Slayer challenge" in place of a regular Slayer assignment. These challenges are optional, and if given one, you can choose to forgo it for a regular task instead. There is no penalty for choosing to skip a Slayer challenge.
If you have completed the Smoking Kills quest, all of these challenges -- except for Turael's -- will award you with Slayer points, and count towards your consecutive task count.

Slayer Challenges

Requirements: none
Objective:Kill all of the Slayer monsters within Turael's basement in a single trip.

Turael's basement is a square room filled with Minotaurs (lvl 12), Wolves (lvl 14 and lvl 11), and Goblins (lvl 13, lvl 11, and lvl 5). If you try to leave before you have killed all the monsters, Turael will warn you that your task will be forfeit if you leave.

1,000 Slayer experience

Requirements:40 Combat, Nature Spirit completed
Objective:Mazchna has heard about disturbances in the fairy rings around Canifis, and would like you to investigate each one and report back to him with your Enchanted Gem.

The three rings are at the Canifis mushroom patch (C K S), the Mort Myre swamp (B K R), and the Haunted Woods (A L Q). They can be found on the fairy ring map. At each ring, contact Mazchna, and partway through the conversation, you will be attacked by a "ravenous" version of the monsters in that area (a lvl 42 Ghoul, a lvl 44 Snail, and a lvl 72 Vampire). Slayer rings do not take the place of an enchanted gem.

Reward: 2,000 Slayer experience and 3 bonus Slayer points (in addition to the 1 point gained on completion)

Requirements: 55 Combat, 40 Slayer, What Lies Below completed
Objective: Bring Vannaka a perfect scale from a Green, Blue, Red, and Black Dragon.

Both baby and adult versions of each dragon have a chance to drop the scales.

Scales will drop only while your challenge is active; none will drop after completing the challenge, and any extras you may have collected will be destroyed once you complete the challenge.

Reward:4,000 Slayer experience and 10 bonus Slayer points (in addition to the 4 points gained on completion)

Requirements: 70 Combat, 40 Slayer, Lost City completed
Objective:Assist Chaeldar with testing out her new experimental fungicide spray - kill 10 Mutated Zygomites and report back to her with the results.

The Zygomites must be killed using the Experimental spray given by Chaeldar at the start of the Challenge (once they reach low LP).

The Experimental spray has a variety of effects on Zygomites; they can be killed, turn green and be healed to full LP, or turn red and become enraged (thus making them stronger).

Reward: 10,000 Slayer experience and 25 bonus Slayer points (in addition to the 10 points gained on completion

Requirements: 85 Combat, 57 Slayer, Smoking Kills completed
Objective: Kill the Kalphite Queen (level 333).

Another player can help you in killing the Queen, but the challenge is only completed if you inflict the majority of damage.

Reward: 15,000 Slayer experience and 30 bonus Slayer points (in addition to the 12 points gained on completion)

Requirements: 100 Combat, 85 Slayer, Priest in Peril completed
Objective: Kill 21 Crawling hand, 8 Banshee, 9 Infernal mage, 7 Bloodveld, 7 Aberrant spectre, 5 Gargoyle, 6 Nechryael, and 6 Abyssal demon without leaving the Slayer Tower (Canifis

You can only kill versions of the monsters that are found in the Slayer Tower. Monsters found in other locations (Kuradal's Dungeon, etc.) will not go towards your kill count.

Reward: 20,000 Slayer experience and 35 bonus Slayer points (in addition to the 15 points gained on completion)

Requirement: 110 Combat, 75 Slayer
Objective:Whenever Kuradal offers a lava creature task, she will give you the option to upgrade to a Fight Cave task of 280 monsters. The Fight Caves have only 192 monsters, but if you manage to kill the mighty TzTok-Jad, your task will be completed.

Even if you do not manage to kill TzTok-Jad, you can kill 280 Fight Cave creatures and receive the regular slaying experience for them. If you happen to die on or before wave 34, there are still enough monsters on task for you to reach TzTok-Jad and slay him for the bonus experience.

Reward: 25,000 Slayer experience (TzTok-Jad must be killed for this bonus and a shiny New Fire Cape

Tips, Tricks and Notes
  • It is better to range some creatures, such as Elves. Other creatures may be in multi-player combat areas. Try a few types of attack and equipment to see what you should use.
  • If an assignment turns out to be too hard halfway, don't hesitate to get a new one. You get experience per monster, not for an assignment overall.
  • Start with the right slayer master. If you go to one that's too high, you might have to go back to Burthorpe and get an even worse assignment.
  • If you can't kill the enemies assigned by the slayer master for your level (the one called by your enchanted gem), try training your combat to a higher level.
  • For many assignments, there are variants of the monster that you can kill and it will still count as killing a monster for the task. For example, killing a baby dragon counts towards your assignment just like killing a normal dragon.
  • Using a cannon to hit higher does not affect the amount of slayer experience you receive from a kill. So using a cannon is a quick way of training. The cannon cannot be set up in the Slayer Dungeon, the Slayer Tower, the Chaos Tunnels, nor Kuradal's Dungeon.
  • Training slayer and combat go hand in hand. For each monster you kill as part of an assignment, you receive the normal combat xp as usual, as well as slayer xp.
  • If you complete the Tarn's Lair by defeating Tarn, you will receive 5000 slayer xp. This can only be done once.
  • For Dark Beast slayer tasks, if you have completed Within the Light quest, you can change the location of your teleport crystal to the Temple of Light - allowing you to bypass using the Mourner's outfit and saving you 5 inventory spaces.

Posts : 43
Join date : 2010-05-14
Age : 32
Location : New Zealand

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Basic Slayer Guide Empty Re: Basic Slayer Guide

Post  Liam Wed May 19, 2010 6:48 am

Amazing mate Smile.


Posts : 3
Join date : 2010-05-15

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Basic Slayer Guide Empty Re: Basic Slayer Guide

Post  Moray007 Wed May 19, 2010 7:59 am

Thanks ^_^

Posts : 43
Join date : 2010-05-14
Age : 32
Location : New Zealand

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