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basic but it works

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basic but it works Empty basic but it works

Post  Slaymeh Thu Jun 03, 2010 5:55 am

Construction is a long-awaited members only skill. It allows players to build a mansion with up to 30 rooms, build furniture, decorate the house, and invite friends into their exclusive domain. So, what could you do in your house, you ask? Player-owned houses are very useful as they provide various teleportation options or an altar at which you can pray. But there are many fun activities to do in a house as well. You could ring a bell to call your servant, who will serve food or drinks. The food will be useful if you call your friends over for a friendly boxing match. You could also play many non-combat games with your friends, such as darts. Or you could simply spend your time watching through a telescope, making yourself beautiful or playing music. You could also craft toys, paint armour or warm yourself in front of a cosy fire, to give just a few examples of the many things that can be done at home...

Beginner's Walkthrough
To begin, take 1000 gp to an Estate Agent's office in Varrock, Falador, East Ardougne, or Seers' Village (for detailed maps see the Estate Agents section.) He sells you a house at the initial location, which is in Rimmington just north of the square. He also gives you a book, which has some information about Construction.

Now grab some cash and some normal logs (at least 11) and head east outside Varrock's walls to the lumberyard (east of the Jolly Boar Inn). Buy a Saw right away from the Sawmill Operator at the Lumberyard's south entrance (13 gp). He will also take your logs and change them into planks for 100 gp each. Get several pack loads made, to save travelling back here again. You can also get Oak, Teak or Mahogany planks made, for higher fees (see Materials), although you won't be able to use them until your Construction level is higher.

You should also buy some Bolts of cloth from him, for 650 each. Get a good supply - at least 5 to start. (Note that player-made Cloth woven at Looms will not work.)

You will need nails. Iron nails fail some of the time - steel nails fail less often. At least 50 is a good starting supply. Don't invest in thousands, as Oak planks and above do not require nails.

If you want to plant your garden first, go to Falador Park and buy at least 2 Bagged Plant 1 from the Garden Supplier east of the Tree patch. Bring your Watering Can to your house along with the plants.

If you want to build a Fireplace right away, bring 3 soft clay.

Now get a hammer, your Saw, 11 planks, 5 bolts of cloth, at least 11 nails (twice or triple as many to allow for breakage, but they are stackable), and perhaps 10K gp. Also bring your 2 Bagged plant 1's and 3 soft clay, if desired. Go down to the heart of Rimmington. The large glowing portal is the entrance to your very own house, shown on the minimap with this icon: When you click on the portal, a selection menu appears.

Choose building mode. You will be teleported to your house, in the build mode options you can choose between teleporting to outside of the house portal, or alternatively directly into your house.

Welcome! Notice how quiet and peaceful it is. There will be nobody stepping all over the place unless you invite them!

You arrive in a ghostly garden (each item is a potential "spot" to make or plant something). When you click inside your rather tumbledown shack you will see similar ghostly items. Walk to one of the chairs and select "Build". A menu of chair types will appear. Select the Crude wooden chair (the only one you can make at Level 1). Two planks and two nails will be consumed (assuming your nails don't break), and you will have a real chair for sitting! Make a second chair now. You will get a Construction level (total 116 xp)!

At level 2 you can make a rug (2 cloth; 30 xp), as well as some torn curtains (3 planks, 3 cloth, 3 nails; 132 xp) which cover all windows in the room. This brings your level high enough to make a Bookcase (4 planks, 4 nails; 115 xp). Do it!

Congratulations, you are now Level 5 and ready to build a Kitchen (5000 gp) and progress further in Construction!

If you brought soft clay, you can also make a Fireplace (3 soft clay; 30 xp). If you brought Bagged Plant 1's, pick any plant location (small or big, 1 or 2) in your garden and plant them. You can start a second Garden for 1000 gp, as well, and plant more. Planting also earns equal amounts of Farming xp.

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Levels and Experience
A complete and sortable Construction Table, listing ALL rooms, items, materials, xp, and descriptions is now available. The table pops up showing only levels 1 to 20 at first, but allows you to sort and filter it many ways to focus on items of interest.

Construction Table

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Almost all the rooms in your house offer special features. Listed below are some of the most important features, which hopefully will help you in your game life.

At every 5 skill levels, you are able to build a new room type. Costs rise with higher level rooms. Take careful note of the doorways each room offers, so that when you build the room you can position it accordance with your house needs. Stairway rooms may require additional effort, since the stair will ascend from the side of the room opposite the doorway where you installed it. (If you want the bottom of your stairs to face the front of the house, build the room from the doorway behind the desired location.) Click on the room name in the table below to pull up a sortable table of the items that can be built there, showing the level needed, materials, experience, hotspot, and uses.

Item Name Level Cost Summary Doorways
Garden 1 1000 gp Decoration, Exit Portal, possible Dungeon Entrance 4
You will already have a garden when you buy your house. In the garden you'll find an exit portal which will take you from your house back to the rest of RuneScape. If you have more than one garden (either normal or formal), you may choose to build a portal, a decorative centrepiece or an entrance to your dungeon (if you have one). You also get an equal amount of farming exp for planting in your garden (for example, if you get 70 construction exp for planting, you'll also get 70 farming exp).
Parlour 1 1000 gp Sit in chairs by a fire, retrieve completed quest books 3
The most important feature is the bookcases (which can be built in several types of rooms), containing books from the quests you've completed. You'll be able to remove and read them all; hopefully this will save you some bank space. Note that lighting fires in fireplaces (in all rooms) requires normal logs, but gives 80 xp (double the usual).
Kitchen 5 5000 gp Water source, obtain food supplies, cook, home brew ale, cat corner 2 adjacent
The kitchen is useful if you cook a lot, or need water. You can make your very own sink, a range or even an oven! You can build 3 different types of larder (depending on your level), which offer endless supplies of basic ingredients. The shelf hotspot provides unlimited cooking tools/items. Building an ale barrel gives an unlimited supply of that ale (flatpack barrels may be purchased from other players if you lack the level for your favourite ale). The most important feature here may be making tea, which can temporarily raise your construction by 1 to 3 levels!
Dining Room 10 5000 gp Sit at table, summon servant, eat served food 3
There isn't much "special" in the dining room. You can build a bell pull which will summon your servant (if you have one). In addition to sending your servant to the bank (or sawmill), s/he can be ordered to serve food and place it on the table. You and your friends can sit at the table and eat. You can also make wall decorations displaying your family crest.
Workshop 15 10,000 gp Build furniture, craft, heraldry, repair broken and damaged weapons, and obtain tools 2 opposite
This is an important room. You can build tool spaces which supply unlimited tools. At the workbench, you can construct furniture flatpacks for the usual exp. These can be dropped, or sold/given to other players who cannot make/afford them flatpacks also have a make-x option. This allows you to train outside of building mode - no need to remove and rebuild while grinding levels! The repair bench is for fixing broken equipment. If you have the right level, your barrows items will still cost you a bit, but less than getting it repaired by Bob, Dunstan or Tindel. Miscellaneous junk items such as damaged armour, broken arrows or staves and rusty swords can also be repaired for very small skill exp. At the heraldry station, add your family crest to helmets and kiteshields (steel or rune), and even make banners! Finally, at the crafting table you can make clockwork toys (such as a cat) and other items (see Crafting guide.)
Bedroom 20 10,000 gp Change basic appearance, hairstyle and clothing; two with beds required to hire servant 2 adjacent
The main thing about bedrooms is that two of them are required to hire a servant. You can also change your appearance for free: no more paying the hair dresser in Falador or the clothes shop in Varrock to change the colour or style of your hair or clothes. Higher levels of dressers and wardrobes offer more choices.

Skill Hall 25 15,000 gp Display skills and trophies, optional stairway (faces opposite from doorway where you created it) 4
You may build a staircase here to go upstairs or access a dungeon/basement level. Note that only one upper floor is allowed, and one dungeon/basement level. Other than that, this is a "show off" room. If you've killed a crawling hand, a king black dragon, or even a kalphite queen and gotten a head (or hand!), you can mount it here (visit the taxidermist first, though.) A trophy fish can also be mounted. Note that when you remove a trophy display, the trophy item is *not* recoverable. Castle Wars armour can be displayed. To display regular armour (mithril to rune), you must have the Smithing level to make it yourself (also, a skirt is required, not legs). When you remove an armour display, you will recover the armour. However, if you remove the entire Skill hall, all of your display items are gone forever.
Games Room 30 25,000 gp Play games and train 3
The games room is a fun place to interact with your friends. You can install 8 different games, and you can even add prizes for the winners (using the prize chest, money only)!
Combat Room 32 25,000 gp Private multicombat training 3
Another great room to interact with friends and guests. There are 5 different games you can build; however, there is no prize in this room (only the joy of showing your friends who's the best). If you or your guests die, you will not lose anything, but simply respawn in the house.
Quest Hall 35 25,000 gp Display quest achievements, optional stairway (faces opposite from doorway where you created it) 4
Like the skill hall, you can build a staircase taking you up or down in your house. A very useful feature in this room is that you can mount an uncharged Amulet of glory (made with dragonstone, see our crafting guide) to get unlimited teleports to the usual glory destinations. Otherwise, this is a "show off" room to display quest pictures, swords, and guild souvenirs.
Menagerie 37 30,000 gp Store and feed all fully-grown pets, recharge Summoning points 4
After building a pet house and a feeder, you can store fully grown pets here (including cats, see Pet Care guide). The amount of pets that can be stored is based off of the type of house and feeder built. You can add duplicated pets of the same breed and colour here too. Pet Feeders ensure your pets won't wander off due to hunger, and can also feed a pet following you or in your inventory. You can build a miniature Summoning obelisk here to recharge your Summoning points as well.
House type Feeder type Max pets stored
Oak pet house Oak pet feeder 3
Teak pet house Teak pet feeder 6
Mahogany pet house Mahogany pet feeder 10
Consecrated pet house
Desecrated pet house
Natural pet house Mahogany pet feeder 15
There are 5 different decorative habitats that can be applied to your menagerie (see picture links). Level 37 47 57 67 77
Habitat Picture Garden Jungle Desert Polar Volcanic

Study 40 50,000 gp Create magic spell tablets, change elemental staff 3
This room is for mages. Lecterns allow you to make tablets of different spells, such as teleport spells, there is a 'make-x' option on these. A tablet allows any player of *any* magic level to teleport without carrying runes. Tablets save inventory spots; a Falador teleport tablet uses only one inventory space, rather than three. To make a tablet, you need some soft clay and the runes for the spell (staves are allowed). Magic xp is earned by the tablet maker, not the user. Higher level lecterns offer more spell selections. See the Magic Guide for a listing of the spells. Another study feature is the crystal ball, which can change an element staff (fire, water, air and earth) to any other element (a basic "staff of" costs no runes, a battlestaff costs 100 runes, and a mystic staff costs 1000 runes).

Costume Room 42 50,000 gp Store unusual clothing items such as treasure trail rewards, random event costumes, mini game armour, magic robes/armour, holiday items and capes. 1
Only 1 costume room is allowed in your house. There are strict rules about what can be stored in each piece of furniture. The most awkward is that a *complete* set of an outfit is required to store it: for example, shield, helm, plate and legs. Untradeable holiday items you've collected are always available if you've dropped or destroyed yours - just grab another from your toy box (any level). For other hotspots, higher level furniture holds more and different types of costumes. For example, treasure chests hold clue rewards up to level 1 (oak), 2 (teak) or 3 (mahogany). The definitions for what can be stored in each piece of furniture are shown in the Costume Room guide.

Safeties have been built in to protect your costumes. You cannot remove furniture nor the rooms without withdrawing your items. Also, if you have a PIN set, you will need to enter it before you can get costumes out. If you don't have the level to build furniture that will hold all of your costumes, consider skipping the xp and just buying flatpacks from another player for your storage needs.

Chapel 45 50,000 gp Offer bones for prayer experience 2 adjacent
This is one of the most-loved rooms. Build an altar to restore your prayer at any time, and offer bones on it for prayer experience. With the right combination of the highest level altar and incense burners, offering bones can earn up to 350% of the normal exp for burying bones (compare to 400% for ectofuntus after much grinding and hauling.) Now you can select "offer all" or a specific number to remove tedious clicking (although it still takes the same amount of time) when offering bones. Torches and candlesticks don't boost prayer exp; but (oak) incense burners work just as well as the higher burners. Firemaking level 30 is required to light them. Be sure to bring two marrentill herbs and a tinderbox!

Building a god symbol or icon "dedicates" your chapel to that god, and changes any statues, windows and altar to match. Despite Bob the Jagex Cat's hints that he's a god, he doesn't affect altars.
Portal Chamber 50 100,000 gp Teleport to selected cities 1
You can build up to three portals in one portal room. The centrepiece is used to direct or "focus" a portal on any one of the following locations: Varrock, Lumbridge, Falador, Camelot, Ardougne (Plague City quest), Watchtower (Watch Tower quest) and Kharyrll (Ancient Magick). (Note: you must be eligible to cast the teleport spell. However, you do not need to be on Ancients to cast the Kharyrll spell.) Focusing a portal requires 100 times the runes normally used for that teleport. So, for a portal to Varrock, you'd need 100 fires, 300 airs and 100 law runes (staves and combination runes not allowed.) After a portal has been directed, it gives unlimited teleports to that location. Other players can use the portal (Priest in Peril quest required for Kharyrll) even if they cannot cast the related teleport spell. You can also tear down the portal (to upgrade the wood) without refocusing it.

The highest level centrepiece also has a scry option. Use it to view a portal destination in real time, turning the camera angle with your arrow keys. It's fun to see what's going on in different locations, or who's waiting for you there. Since a room only has three portals, you can't have all seven in one room. Most players build two portal rooms to make six portals (house location may make the missing seventh unnecessary).
Formal Garden 55 75,000 gp Decoration, optional Exit Portal or Dungeon Entrance 4
This is a far more elaborate version of the normal garden. An exit portal and dungeon entrance are still allowed as the centrepiece, but other options have been replaced by the gazebo or fountains. The rest of the garden is also much fancier. Trees have been replaced by optional hedge and border fence corners. Plant hotspots are now used for flowers. Any flower planting is replicated in the opposite corner, so only 4 bagged flowers are needed to get 12 beautiful plants.

Throne Room 60 150,000 gp Receive visitors, use lever to activate floor trap or dungeon challenge mode 1
The most important hotspot in this room is the lever, which has several different options. For example, if people are standing on your floor piece (floor hotspot), you can pull the lever and drop them into your oubliette below, or expel them from your house. Higher level floor features also have the ability to trap the person before the person decides what to do with them.

Right click the lever to enable either challenge mode or player vs. player (PvP) mode. In challenge mode the objective is to get to the chest in your treasure room (if you have one). PvP adds a bit of excitement; players can 'kill' each other all over your house! Great fun for your visitors as well. Note that if you die you won't lose any items, you'll simply be teleported outside the house.

Oubliette 65 150,000 gp Fend off monster while trying to escape trap 4
This is a very cool room. If you build this below your throne room, and the trap door is activated, players will be dropped into a cage in your oubliette. Here they will take damage from any floor trap you've planted, and will have to fight for their lives to make it out in time. They can get out of this cage by picklocking the right place in the fence surrounding the cage. You can add a guard (anything from a skeleton to a hell hound) which will attack players during challenge or PvP modes. You can also build teleport traps elsewhere in your dungeon to transport players into this cage if you wish. Note that if you die you won't lose any items, you'll simply be teleported outside the house.
Dungeon 70 7500 gp (per room) Fight through monsters and traps towards Treasure Room 2 or 4
Basically you can build your very own barrows maze down here. It's all to prevent your visitors from getting to your treasure room during PvP or challenge modes (see throne room). You can build traps and even add guards to stop intruders. There are many fun things to play around with, if you have the cash for it. The corridor has a doorway on each end, and a junction has doorways on all four sides. This enables you to make corridors in other directions, to make it more confusing for your visitors to find their way around your dungeon.
Treasure Room 75 250,000 gp Fight a final monster boss to unlock treasure chest 1
This is what the above three rooms have been all about - your very own treasure room! This room contains the reward you supply for the challenge and PvP modes. It also holds the final obstacle for these modes; your boss monster. The monster you buy can range from a level 82 lesser demon to a level 246 steel dragon, depending on your level and how much you want to spend. It is great fun, and the harder the monster, the harder the game, eh? Note that if you die you won't lose any items, you'll simply be teleported outside the house.

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Rooms Layout
As your Construction level increases, you will be allowed to build your house in a larger layout. The limit is up to a maximum of 32 rooms in a 7 rooms by 7 rooms footprint. You are allowed one upper floor (start by building stairs in a hall), and one lower floor for your dungeon (start with dungeon entrance in a garden).

Levels and Layout Size Limit
Level Square Rooms Footprint
1 3x3
15 4x4
30 5x5
45 6x6
60 7x7

Your maximum allowed number of rooms also increases with higher Construction Level. This increase starts at level 50 up to level 99. The maximum room number to construction level is listed below.

Levels and Total Room limit
Level Maximum number of Rooms
1 20
38 21
44 22
50 23
56 24
62 25
68 26
74 27
80 28
86 29
92 30
96 31
99 32

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Materials Overview
The Construction skill employs a wide variety of materials. Here is an overview of the materials, including where you can buy them, how much they cost, and how you can use them. Each item type yields a consistent number of experience points (XP) when used to build something, so you can select the materials which are most cost effective for you.

With every level you gain you will be able to construct more and more furniture for your own house. At higher levels, you can use different types of more expensive materials.

Due to the rising fee scale charged by the Sawmill Operator, it is generally agreed that teak and mahogany planks are not cost effective for skill levelling (higher gp per experience earned). Although oak planks are a bit more gp per xp (2.5 times the sawmill fee for normal logs, but only 2 times the experience), they are faster because there's more experience per load. Normal (from logs) 3.46gp/xp, Oak 4.166gp/xp, Teak 5.55gp/xp, Mahogany 10.7gp/xp. Obviously, normal planks picked up from spawns cost nothing, but the collection time and number of loads required is usually discouraging, and the required nails must still be bought or made.

Pic Name Uses Locations XP
Hammer Crucial tool! Buy at any general store. n/a
Saw Crucial tool! Buy at the lumberyard from the Sawmill Operator; choose the "trade" option. n/a
Crystal Saw Use instead of a saw. Gives a hidden +3 skill bonus. Reward from Eyes of Glouphrie quest n/a
Pic Name Uses Locations XP
Plank Build low level (1-15) furniture (requires nails). Chop ordinary trees and take them to the Sawmill Operator. He'll turn them into planks for 100gp each. ~28.9 with nail
Oak Plank Build medium-low level (15 - 35) furniture. Chop oak trees and take them to the Sawmill Operator. He'll turn them into planks for 250gp each. 60
Teak Plank Build medium-high level (35 - 50) furniture. Chop teak trees and take them to the Sawmill Operator. He'll turn them into planks for 500gp each. 90
Mahogany Plank Build high level (50+) furniture. Chop mahogany trees and take them to the Sawmill Operator. He'll turn them into planks for 1500gp each. 140
Those who have completed the Dream Mentor quest have access to a Lunar Magicks spell that helps in making planks. The level 86 Plank Make spell allows the caster to convert one log into a plank for a charge. These charges are cheaper than the sawmill operator, most likely to incorporate the cost of casting the spell, which requires 2 astral runes, 15 earth runes and 1 nature rune.
Ordinary logs cost 70gp per cast, Oak logs cost 175gp per cast, Teak logs cost 350gp per cast and Mahogany logs cost 1050gp per cast.
Stones and metal
Pic Name Uses Locations XP
Soft Clay Make clay constructions such as fireplaces, or use to support shelves. Mine some clay, and use a bucket or jug of water on it. No level requirements. 10
Limestone brick Make sturdy stone items (statue, fireplace, staircase, altar, etc.) Mine limestone east of Varrock or Arandar, then use chisel on it. Or, buy at Mort'ton shop or the Stonemason in Keldagrim. 20
Iron bar Make exit portals. Mine iron ore and smelt in a furnace; level 15 Smithing is needed. 10
Steel bar Heavy construction in many rooms (Kitchen, Hall, Workshop...). Mine 2 coal and 1 iron ore, and smelt in a furnace; level 30 Smithing is needed. 20
Nails Use with normal planks. Use a hammer at an anvil to smith a metal bar into nails (see the Smithing guide). All nails will bend occasionally, but less often if they are made from higher-level metals. Iron or Steel is recommended. See plank entry
Pic Name Uses Locations XP
Bolt of cloth Make curtains, beds, rugs,... Buy from the Sawmill Operator, northeast of Varrock. 15
Molten glass Used in various types of furniture, such as Crafting tables, Shaver stands,... Get some seaweed and a bucket of sand. Cook the seaweed in order to get soda ash. Use it with the bucket of sand on a furnace. No level requirement. (Refer to Crafting guide.) 1
Rope Make a bell pull for summoning servants. Buy in general stores throughout RuneScape. 4

The Stonemason in Keldagrim also sells some highly expensive materials for the most advanced construction workers. See the Stonemason heading.

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There are a number of non-player characters (NPCs) who are critical to the Construction skill. Each offers different services for fees, and/or items you can buy.

Estate Agent
Sawmill Operator
Garden Supplier

Estate Agent
The skill begins with an Estate Agent. There are four locations: in Varrock, located just west of the chapel (east of the palace); in Falador, east of the furnace; in Seers' Village, northeast of the bank; and in Ardougne, west-southwest of the market square.

Estate Agents sell your basic house located in Rimmington for 1K. You can also have them redecorate the exterior of your house, or move it to a new city, but the styles and locations available depend on your skill level. Note that the yard for most styles is grass, but the whitewashed stone has sand (desert look) and the Fremennik decor has dark hard-packed earth (Rellekka look). Click on a decor name below to see what the inside and outside will look like.

Estate Agent decor
Item Level Required Fee (gp)
Basic Wood 1 1K
Basic Stone 10 5K
Whitewashed Stone 20 7.5K
Fremennik-style Wood 30 10K
Tropical Wood 40 15K
Fancy Stone 50
Tips and Tricks
Level Boosting
Repairs in the Workshop
Guest Access
Additional Experience
Request Assistance
Construction Cape


Some items you build will provide endless supplies of minor items you can use in your house. For example, your first wooden larder (level 9) supplies milk and tea (leaves). Your first wooden shelves (level 12) supply cups, kettles, and teapots.

Some of the supply items cannot be taken out of the house (they disappear out of your inventory), such as tea, beer from your barrel, and beer glasses. (Note that beer from your barrel cannot be used to rebuild the barrel.) However, the workshop tools and bookcase quest books can be taken outside.

Some construction items such as planks, nails, and flatpacked items can be obtained from treasure trail clues. Refer to our Treasure Trail Guide to learn more about obtaining and solving clue scrolls.

When removing and rebuilding items for training purposes, keep in mind that the removed item is destroyed and you normally get nothing back. This includes those hard-to-find monster and fish trophies. Very few items are *recovered*: only armour displays in a skill hall, and sword and guild displays (Amulet of glory, legends cape, antifire shield) in a quest hall. You are forced to withdraw all your costumes before you can remove your costume room, but it is reported that if you remove an entire Skill hall or Quest hall, you lose *everything* in it!

Building and removing oak larders (8 oak planks) is considered the fastest way to level up. At level 74, players can build oak doors (10 oak planks) instead. Making flatpacks at the workshop bench is another good method.

Flatpacks can be dropped, given to other players or sold in stores - there is no player market except for the very highest level items. Items that can be flatpacked are limited to only the most traditional types of furniture, plus ale barrels. The list of flatpack-able items by hotspot name includes barrels, beds, bookcases, chairs, clocks, dressers, seating (dining room), tables, and wardrobes. Additionally, all costume room items can be flatpacked. If you need a furniture item and do not have the required skill level, consider asking a higher level friend to make it for you.

In addition, players who have completed the Fremennik Hard Achievement Diary can sell their unnoted flatpacks to Advisor Ghrim in Miscellania

It is not possible to enter Building Mode if you are being followed by a pet or summoning familiar, and Teleport to House will disable building mode in these situations. Carried pets and summoning pouches are allowed, but may not be used while in building mode

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Construction level boosting

You can make tea that raises your Construction 1-3 levels temporarily. You will need a larder, shelves, a sink (such as level 7 pump and drain), and a stove (at least a level 11 firepit with hook). Fill the kettle with water and put it on the fire to boil. Put the tea leaves in the teapot. When you see the message that the kettle has boiled, take it off the stove. Pour boiling water from the kettle into the teapot (makes four servings). Pour it into cups. Add milk if desired. Different levels of shelves offer different types of teapots and cups. The better the shelf, the higher the skill boost. See the table below.

Tea Sets
Name Item Source Construction boost
Cup Wooden shelves 1,
Wooden shelves 2,
Oak shelves 1 +1
Porcelain cup Wooden shelves 3,
Oak shelves 2,
Teak shelves 1 +2
Porcelain cup (gold trimmed) Teak shelves 2 +3

In the Evil Dave Recipe for Disaster subquest, players learn how to make a special stat-boosting stew. Jagex states that the orange spice is related to Construction (among other skills). Unfortunately, the stew's stat boosts are random, and might even reduce your stats (-6 to +6). Check Tip.It's Cooking Guide for known details.

A reward from completing the Eyes of Glouphrie quest is the Crystal saw. When carried, it (invisibly) increases your construction level by 3. This boosted level does not apply to rooms, garden plants, dungeon monsters or anything that does not require a saw (things you buy). Using it with construction tea (described above, with a skill bonus of 1 to 3), it can raise your level by up to 6. It can also be used in combination with Evil Dave's stew, with a random outcome of -3 to +9.

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Repairs in the Workshop

Formerly useless items found around Runescape can now be repaired at your workshop repair station (or at the home of a friend!) Some minor skill experience is earned for each successful repair. Failing earns no experience. Repairing a broken arrow on a level 15 repair bench earns 8 Fletching xp and may yield a headless/bronze/iron/steel/mithril arrow. Repairing a broken staff earns 14 Crafting xp and may yield a plain staff or a staff of air/earth/fire/water. A user reports that a broken staff of Iban cannot be repaired here.

Repairing (sharpening) a rusty sword on a level 35 whetstone earns 25 Smithing xp and may yield a bronze/iron/steel/mithril sword or longsword (possibly black as well). Repairing damaged armour on a level 55 armour stand earns 25 Smithing xp and may yield a bronze/iron/steel/mithril platebody. Repairing "broken" armour may yield bronze/iron/steel/mithril platelegs. Repairing barrows armour yourself still costs money, but it's discounted depending on your smithing skill level. The percentage discount is half of your smithing level, so a level 50 Smither will receive 25% discount, and 99 smithers pay nearly half price! It earns 25 Smithing xp per item repaired as well.

Repairable "junk" items used to be found at random all over RuneScape, but Jagex has recently removed them from crates and sacks. Some locations remain: the H.A.M. cave, digging at the Digsite, picklocking/unlocking Zogre coffins, and Trawler fishing. There are also some broken arrow spawns at the Ranger's guild.

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Guest Access

Admission to your house is governed in part by your Private Chat status. You can open your house to all players ("On") or limit it to your friends list ("Friends"). However, if you don't want guests but still want to use private chat, you can right click your exit portal and select "lock" to ensure your privacy. Guests are not admitted when you are in Building mode. According to Jagex, no one can enter your house when you are not at home. However, if you leave your guests there, such as when you are summoned for a random event, they are allowed to remain.

To visit a friend's home, you must be on the same world and at the same town portal they use (if your friend's house is in Yanille, you can't get there from the Rimmington portal). They cannot be in Building mode, and their privacy access must be at a setting that includes you (portal unlocked, and private chat to "on" or "friends" if you are on their friends list).

Note that whenever you visit a friends house, you will always leave the house with at least the same amount of life points as you went in with.

For example: You go into your friends house with 400 LP and leave, regardless of what you did in the house that caused your LP to drop below 400 (e.g. Dungeon fighting, Duel Ring fighting, etc.), you would leave with 400 LP. If your LP was restored to 500 LP by activities such as eating food, then you would leave with 500 LP (it is higher than the LP you started with).

Also note that any poison you are affected by is removed when you leave the house, regardless of whether you received the poison while you were inside or outside the house.

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Additional Experience

Occasionally a lucky adventurer may find a long or curved bone as a drop from a monster that gives big bones. Rather than burying it for paltry prayer xp, take this unusual bone to Barlak in the underground goblin city of Dorgesh-Kaan (requires Death to the Dorgeshuun quest). He will pay 1k gp and 1.5k construction experience for a long bone, or 2k gp and 2.25k construction experience for a curved bone. Find him by leaving the goblin marketplace via the southwest corner, then travelling north along the corridor (see minimap). You must have level 30 Construction and a house to receive the experience.

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Request Assistance

If you find yourself a few levels short of making an item, or want to safely offer your skills to another player, the request assistance option will allow you to do so. Simply right click the player who has the skills that you need and request their assistance. If they accept, a pair of hands will appear in your bottom right corner, and you can build whatever they can. You keep the items, but they get the experience.

There are a few exceptions when being assisted in the Construction skill. Only flatpack items that can be made on a workbench can be made using the Request Assistance option.

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Cape of Achievement

Once you have mastered the skill and reached level 99, you may want to buy a Construction Cape from the Estate Agent in Varrock. Refer to the Achievement Capes guide for more details.

Posts : 13
Join date : 2010-05-14
Age : 31
Location : new zealand

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